Stray and Wildlife
Care Tips
Dear All,
It made me sad that the disease of unethical bird watching / photography which emerged over the last 15 / 20 years has grown to such enormous scale, perhaps due to advancement in technology and easily available equipments – whether digital camera, powerful flashes, voice recorder or mobile phone. The market potential for such ‘rare’ items also increased due to mushrooming of glossy magazines, books, newspapers and even TV media. This is affecting our wildlife adversely and would further destroy our already endangered rare species of wildlife, particularly birds.
I have noted and written / talked about unethical nature observations / photography / collection over the last 25 years and there are simple ‘do’s and dont’s’ everyone needs to follow not only to enjoy Mother nature yourself but also to leave them undisturbed for the others to enjoy. Most of us are aware of such norms. However now we need to add more such guidelines / rules because of the advancement in technology and new methods.
Going in large groups in the wild regions, disturbing natural ecosystems with over-active movements (sometimes called ‘enthusiasm’!), loud noise, throwing litter (now plastic water bottles), getting drunk and out of control (including throwing empty bottles particularly in the streams), shouting and screaming with excitement when one sees something new, collecting rare plants / flowers / insects etc. are common flaws incurred by many ‘nature lovers’.
The next stage is more serious – climbing trees and inspecting nests, collecting nests and eggs, trying to go very close to wildlife to have a ‘better view’, encircling resting wildlife for tourists to get a closer look, getting down from the vehicle or elephant in the sanctuaries or in national parks (where one is not allowed to walk) to get a good picture of a rare butterfly or even to collect the same (this happens mostly by bribing forest guards / drivers / mahuts). This continues to the next stage of trading wildlife as collection items or mementos.
The next category is wildlife photographers – Nest photography with insensitivity by carrying out ‘gardening’ (removing leaves, weeds, grass etc. around the nest) to get a better or clear picture. In a process, the nests are left prone to predator’s attack and many times the birds are compelled to abandon them. The chicks are tortured or lured to open their beaks to get good poses etc. Powerful flashes are used to get ‘bright & beautiful’ pictures without considering that the creatures may get blind. Then finally to have the exclusivity of one’s rare picture, destroy the nest / animal so that no one else could get an opportunity. Many lure local tribal people take money to show nests or trap birds or attract them and animals using their traditional methods. Then this becomes another business for tribal who is cleverly termed as employment generation or poverty alleviation!
Relatively recent emergence is the use of tape recorders & players – This comes with some amount of graduation or advancement of one’s nature study endeavors. Many birds respond to the calls of their mates or colleagues. So this is used to track the birds, particularly rare, exclusive and crepuscular or nocturnal birds. The recorded calls are played in the wild and those rare birds are attracted or fooled to come near you so that you could have a ‘good’ look, take closer pictures and then laugh or enjoy how the foolishly bird was cheated. Many times cell phones are used to play this trick. This is being done in the remote forests (particularly Northeast region) not just by photographers but mainly by so called ‘wildlife tour organizers’. They guarantee you of showing rare bird or animal so that you join for such a tour by paying hefty amounts.
All this is happening because ‘Wildlife’ has become a big business and any business is likely to become exploitative. Unfortunately so called ‘nature lovers’ do not realize that they destroy the ‘part of nature’ which fetches them money or fame or name. It is more unfortunate that it is being rampantly done under the name of Nature Awareness or Study Programme
Many times good wild lifers tend towards these tricks due to ignorance, over enthusiasm, competition, jealously or one-up man ship. Even when they are cautioned they become defensive and continue in what they believe!
We must take strong action against this attitude and destructive behavior of a few individuals which brings a bad name to the most beautiful hobby and entire fraternity of nature lovers. I am sure the forest department will take appropriate action in this particular case, but the authentic nature groups should also take initiative to cure this disease.
It must be ensured that only serious wildlife researchers are allowed to collect data using right techniques for scientific purpose, and that too after obtaining requisite permissions from the forest department or authorities, no matter how difficult it may be.
We need to inculcate simple ethics in upcoming nature lovers by making them experience and enjoy the natural ecosystem. Calls, pugmarks, scratch marks, smells etc. are the evidences of the existence of wildlife in the ecosystem and one should enjoy the excitement of being a ‘nature detective’. This would give you satisfaction; provide you more enthusiasm even though you may not have ‘seen’ a single creature. Seeing is of course fun and that eventually comes when you become ‘wild’, go on again and again without disturbing the natural environment and become a part of ecosystem. Such love for nature would contribute to wildlife study and nature conservation.
We should enjoy nature by following simple ethics of doing what is good for wildlife.
Prof. Ulhas Rane
Moderator, Maharashtrapakshi-mitra

There are many small steps you can take to help the helpless creatures. Surprisingly, more than doing good to the animals, they will do good to your conscience.
Dogs and cats are in the habit of sleeping under vehicles and get badly hurt or even killed in the process. Before you drive your vehicle, look under it to ensure that there is no animal there. Alternately, every time you start your vehicle, wait for a minute or two before putting it in the gear. This will give time to the animal to run away. Keeping the engine idle for a few minutes also results in its proper lubrication and extends the life of your vehicle.
Never leave behind your pet in the car with the window panes rolled up. It can suffocate your pet within minutes.
Do not tie strings to the necks of stray animals and do not allow children to do it. It can harm the animals in many ways.
If you see a stray dog with a rope around its neck, try to win its confidence and remove or cut the rope. If you can’t, call an animal welfare organization.
Many dogs end up with deep, festering cuts on their throat, because some children (or even grown-ups) tied a plastic rope round their neck and forgot to remove it. If you have a plastic rope or a tape to throw away, cut into small pieces, so that nobody can wrap it around a dog’s neck.
Royal Canine came with new product called ‘1st Age Milk’ for puppies from birth up to weaning. The pack contains Milk powder pouches, Feeding bottle, measurement spoon, nipples. It’s a complete lactation milk for puppies from birth for orphaned puppies and/or complementary to maternal milk.
It simple to use – Mix the milk powder with warm and preferably soft, still boiled water & serve.
Contributed by,
Nilesh Bhanage

Birds are not domesticated animals. Domestic animals are animals that have been bred for hundreds of years to live in the care of humans and are distinct from their wild ancestors. Birds commonly kept as pets are no different than their wild relatives – they are the native species of other countries.
Birds are active and inquisitive and must be provided with ample room to move about and play. An indoor or sheltered outdoor aviary or a flight safe room (windows covered, no cats/dogs, no ceiling fans, etc.) that will allow the bird(s) to fly is good for exercise. Birds with clipped wings can get exercise by climbing, swinging, and flapping, if provided with ample space, toys, and climbing structures.
Chlamydiosis (psittacosis) and avian tuberculosis can be transmitted through the air from birds to humans. These diseases can cause significant illness, especially for people with compromised immune systems. Birds also continually shed “feather dust” – particles of feathers, which may aggravate asthma in some people. Many homes with pet birds have HEPA-type air filters in rooms with birds to control allergies from bird dander.
Parrots, including lovebirds, parakeets, and cockatiels, are noisy and messy, and can be destructive. Vocalizing (squawking, chirping, talking) is an important part of any parrot’s social communication.. Birds eat continually throughout the day, dropping and discarding bits of food everywhere. Birds are instinctively programmed to chew and shred wood, whether it is a perch, toy, picture frame, or furniture. Birds will also chew electrical cords, paper, and curtains.
All parrots have long life spans. Depending on species, they may live 20 to 50 years or more. Caring for a bird is often a life-long responsibility.
Parrots are extremely social animals, and have been compared to human toddlers in the needs of their emotional and social lives but, unlike children, they never grow up.
All birds need a varied diet, not just seeds or pellets, but grains, beans, fruits and vegetables too.
Light exposure and sleep are very important to birds. Birds need at least 4 hours exposure to UVA and UVB rays from sunlight or full-spectrum lighting to provide them with vitamin D, which promotes vitamin A absorption, critical for upper respiratory health. Birds must have a minimum of 10 hours of sleep each night.
Birds are very sensitive to air quality. Unlike humans, a bird replaces nearly all the air in its lungs with each breath. Because no residual air is left in the lungs during the ventilation cycle of birds, they transfer more oxygen and more pollutants during each breath. Birds should never be exposed to tobacco smoke, chemical fumes (hairspray, cleaners, etc.), or Teflon coated materials. Exposure to some toxic inhalants can cause immediate death; chronic exposure to other toxic can lead to premature death.
Birds need veterinary care from a veterinarian that specializes in birds. Proper vet care for birds can be expensive.
So do not buy from anyone or gift birds to anyone.
Rohit Gangwal
R.A.K.S.H.A. , Jaipur
A few Homeopathic tips for useful treatments on animals
For cataracts in dogs:
Give Cineraria water based eye drops (no Alcohol) daily and CAlc fluor 30 C 4 pills a day for 2weeks or more and Silica 200C 4 pills once weekly for 2 months.
For Maggot Wounds:
A fine paste of Sitaphal leaves with a little water is best for maggot wounds.
For Skin Infection (Scabies):
Sulphur 30C 4 pills, one day, Sulphur 1M same dose next day and Sulphur 10 M the next followed by Psorinum 1 M 4 pills daily for 3 days .very effective, plus of course external application of Himax or Topicure etc is necessary too.
For Ear Discharge:
Ear trouble with yellow discharge or blood maybe, MErc Cor 200C4 pills 3 times daily plus dropping a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide in ear daily and cleaning. If discharge is not yet thick but thin and has just started then MErc Sol 200C will be ok.
Canine Distemper:
There is a homeopathic dose against Distemper available at Roy and Co. Homeopaths on Princes Street near Metro, Mumbai. It is Called Distemperium 30C potency is good and 3 doses for 3 days will protect dog. If dog gets some kind of fever or cold, you can also give a few doses as it will help allay the symptoms a lot.
Accident Pain Relief:
Arnica 200C 1M and Hypericum 1M are always good for pain from injury and accident and Aconite 30C for shock. Hypericum is anti tetanus and cures it also and is for spinal injuries and nerve ending injuries.
Contributed by, Rosalie Malik
Gowardhan Charitable Trust, Roha