A Cage is a prison: LET BIRDS FLY FREE
This brochure provides a summary of what you need to know about caged birds and the trading of birds as pets. It also helps you understand what you can do to help birds in distress and discourage this cruel practice of bird trading.

Ethical Bird watching & Photography
It is important to understand what comprises as unethical bird watching and what is the right way of pursuing this beautiful hobby. This brochure provides information about the DO’s and DONT’s of bird watching and how to ensure that no disturbance or harm is caused to birds while observing them in their natural habitat.

Safe Snake Rescue
Snakes are perhaps the most misunderstood creatures on this planet. However, they are important part of nature and contribute significantly to pest reduction. This brochure gives complete information about the dangers of snake bites, the first aid that can be administered, and the prevention of snake bites. It also informs you about the DO’s and DONT’s of Snake Rescue.

Know About snakes
India houses approximately 10% of the total snake species found in the world. Know about the common snake species found in India and their characteristics. Also, learn about the most common myths about snakes, how to keep snakes away from your home, and how to prevent snake bites. This brochure is available in both English and Marathi.

ACT now to save trees
Know how you can prevent the cutting of trees simply by knowing an ACT. This brochure gives complete information about what you as a citizen can do to prevent the cutting of trees and why it is of utmost importance that you do so. It also provides you with the basic outline of a sample complaint letter you can send, to draw the attention of the authorities to the illegal cutting of trees.

Legal Publications :

Animal Laws Brochure:
This brochure explains in detail the sections of Animal laws existing in Indian Constitution.

Poster for Societies that don’t allow the feeding of strays and put restrictions on pets
This poster publicizes the laws written in Indian Constitution that urges people to show compassion to all living things and not to eliminate any animal from its local surrounding.